Named a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1998, it is the largest rock art site in Europe. It was discovered in 1861 and is located just 2 kilometres from Velez-Malaga. Inside the caves you will find paintings, which could have been created more than 6.500 years ago and where typical scenes of the first settlers are represented, such as hunting, hunting, etc....
It was in the Cueva de los Letreros where the Indalo was discovered, the current symbol of Almeria, which represents a god holding a rainbow with his hands that protects Almeria against possible floods. The Indalo also protects against infinite evils such as the evil eye and storms.
There are many other examples in Velez-Malaga, such as the Abrigos del Estrecho de Santoge, the Abrigo del Gabar or the Cueva de Ambrosio, the latter being the most important Upper Palaeolithic cave in Spain.